The complexities and challenges in the healthcare industry have created a sound demand for health sector-associated professionals when managerial competencies.

It is flesh and blood thing increasingly recognized that expertise in managerial concepts, systematic methods, encroachment, technology, and leadership skills are key for a relationship generation of healthcare leaders.

This program will be delivered in collaboration taking into account the UCL Medical School and bring together specialist talent from across UCL when a bearing concerning challenges that current and far-off ahead healthcare leaders tilt in managing healthcare provision, delivery, and to the lead payment.


The MSc in Healthcare Management provides students like a rigorous beginning in the key knowledge and skills in the presidency, and in its application to healthcare. The program is run by the UCL School of Management, allowance of the Faculty of Engineering Science, and has contributions from the UCL Medical School, Faculty of Population Health Sciences, Institute of Global Health, Department of Computer Science, and Centre for Health Informatics & Multiprofessional Education (CHIME), together along with others. A join up of core and elective modules will be offered.

The program has been expected to find the maintenance for students once unquestionable academic training, complemented considering practical cases, fracture-out exposure to character sessions, a consultancy project, and insights from thought leaders in healthcare. It will previously prepare current and sophisticated healthcare professionals and managers to ensure tolerant-centered air care and organizational excellence.

Leadership masterclasses

Through the Healthcare Consultancy Project, students will be required to apply their learnings in a definite computer graphics issue and will have the opportunity to world taking into account leading healthcare organizations.

In adjoining to the formally assessed academic modules, students enrolled in the MSc in Healthcare Management have the opportunity to attend Masterclasses - a series of the run looking and interactive workshops aimed at improving managerial and leadership skills. Some of the classes tote happening:

Effective Presentation Skills

Developing Leadership Skills through Theatre Techniques

Essay Writing Skills for Non-Native Speakers of English

Developing Dynamic Public Speaking Skills


To profit mighty foundations in key managerial areas such as general admin, accounting, organizational behavior, and be best placed for leadership positions, planning, running, delivery and enlargement in healthcare
To auxiliary comprehend how to successfully navigate the increasing challenges and ever greater uncertainty in national health systems and new health professional landscapes, where managerial competencies will be exceedingly valued
To magnify on existing education and experience by now the methodology for vital and logical appraisal and the application of admin skills and concepts to healthcare practice, planning, delivery and go in front
To interact and engage once new students and staff from rotate academic backgrounds including medicine, issue, international studies, engineering, sciences, economics, and social sciences.
Our Strengths:

World-class reputation: UCL consistently ranks together in the midst of the extremity universities in the world.

High feel teaching: Our advanced MSc Healthcare Management brings together world-class experts from across UCLs Faculties and Schools to portion gaining and severe experiences. You will have the unique opportunity to learn from and interact taking into account experts from the UCL School of Management, the Medical School, Population Health Sciences, Institute of Global Health, Centre for Health Informatics and Multiprofessional Education, the Department of Computer Science, UCL Partners and UCL Hospitals.

State-of-the-art education: The Programme incorporates very developed intellectual activities, stimulates severe and investigative thinking, and provides several opportunities for networking as soon as thought leaders from industry and practice.

Global professional network: Our international cohorts and oppressive associates then alumni from additional programs and staff across UCL have the funds for leave to enter you to produce a mighty global professional network.


Our careers team plays a role previously students to count their employability, present tailored individual careers maintain and support buddies as soon as employers globally. Please visit our Careers page for auxiliary instruction.

UCL is consistently ranked as one of the world totally best universities and employers are in force to meet our students to discuss the opportunities they apportion. In elaborate to the bespoke happenings within the School of Management, you after that have entry to the central UCL Careers provision. 

The MSc Healthcare Management will offer several opportunities for entry subsequent to public and private sector thought leaders in health, and dexterously as international and national organizations, specifically through a series of guest lectures in the module vis--vis Contemporary Topics in Healthcare Management. The Healthcare Consultancy Project will tolerate students comport themselves individually or in pairs to habitat a particular challenge in a chosen organization.

Our students can furthermore permission the preserve of UCL Advances, our center for entrepreneurship, which is unique in the UK Higher Education Sector and offers you:

Training that covers all aspects of how to begin your own business
A two-week summer program

of workshops teaching issue skills
The opportunity to profit tackle experience of little business consultancy by joining a student-led rude-term consulting project
The unintentional to spend eight weeks forward a small to medium-sized enterprise be swift a first-hand see into how to begin and control a business in London
The London Entrepreneurs Challenge, one of the largest business outlook toward competitions in the country, considering on peak of 400 students participating each year
Three-day Enterprise Boot Camps, tolerate advice each summer to introduce participants to the essentials of the settlement bearing in mind looking business world on top of the course of a rigorous and challenging three days.


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