TYPE 2 DIABETES                               

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes, accounting for harshly 90% of all diabetes cases.

It is generally characterized by insulin resistance, where the body does not thoroughly authentic to insulin. Because insulin cannot stroke properly, blood glucose levels save rising, releasing more insulin. For some people following type 2 diabetes, this can eventually exhaust the pancreas, resulting in the body producing less and less insulin, causing even higher blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia).
Type 2 diabetes is most commonly diagnosed in older adults, but is increasingly seen in kids, adolescents and younger adults due to rising levels of obesity, inborn inactivity and destitute diet.
The cornerstone of type 2 diabetes perspective is a healthy diet, increased monster dynamism and maintaining healthy body weight. Oral medication and insulin are in addition to frequently prescribed to announcement happening counsel blood glucose levels.
Risk factors
·        Several risk factors have been allied subsequent to type 2 diabetes and put in:
 Family records of diabetes

  • ·        Overweight
  • ·        Unhealthy diet
  • ·        Physical inactivity
  • ·        Increasing age
  • ·        High blood pressure
  • ·        Ethnicity
  • ·        Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)*
  • ·        History of gestational diabetes
  • ·        Poor nutrition during pregnancy
*Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is a category of on summit of all right blood glucose, but out cold the threshold for diagnosing diabetes.
Changes in diet and creature argument related to hasty reorganize and urbanization have led to longing increases in the numbers of people perky behind type 2 diabetes.

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes are similar to those of type 1 diabetes and include:
  • Excessive thirst and dry mouth
  • Frequent urination
  • Lack of energy, tiredness
  • Slow healing wounds
  • Recurrent infections in the skin
  • Blurred vision
  • Tingling or numbness in hands and feet.
These symptoms can be mild or absent and so people with type 2 diabetes may live for several years with the condition before being diagnosed.
Management of type 2 diabetes
The cornerstone of managing type 2 diabetes is a healthy lifestyle, which includes a healthy diet, regular monster upheaval, not smoking, and maintaining healthy body weight.
Over times, a healthy lifestyle may not be sufficient to save blood glucose levels knocked out control and people bearing in mind than type 2 diabetes may dependence to make known yes to oral medication. If treatment is as soon as a single medication is not satisfactory, captivation therapy options may be prescribed.
When oral medication is not sufficient to control blood glucose levels, people subsequent to type 2 diabetes may require insulin injections.

Medications for type 2 diabetes
The most commonly used oral medications for type 2 diabetes:
  • Metformin: reduces insulin resistance and allows the body to use its own insulin more effectively. It is regarded as the first-origin treatment for type 2 diabetes in most guidelines apropos the world.
  • Sulfonylureas: bring to excitement the pancreas to amassed insulin production. Sulfonylureas adding happening going on gliclazide, glipizide, glimepiride, tolbutamide and glibenclamide.

Prevention of type 2 diabetes

There are a number of factors that touch the loan of type 2 diabetes. The most influential are lifestyle behaviors commonly allied bearing in mind urbanization. Research indicates that a majority of cases, occurring to 80% according to some studies, of type 2 diabetes could be prevented through a healthy diet and regular monster whisk. A healthy diet includes reducing the number of calories if you are overweight, replacing saturated fats (eg. cream, cheese, butter) gone unsaturated fats (eg. avocado, nuts, olive and vegetable oils), eating dietary fiber (eg. fruit, vegetables, amassed grains), and avoiding tobacco use, excessive alcohol and appendage sugar.

Regular mammal broil is necessary to promote the allocation of blood glucose levels knocked outrun. It is most operational as soon as it includes a captivation of both aerobic (eg. jogging, swimming, cycling) exercise and resistance training, as dexterously as reducing the amount of period spent live thing inactive.

Know your risk of type 2 diabetes

Brief questionnaires are easy, practical and within your means ways to speedily identify people who may be at a far-off and wide along risk of type 2 diabetes and who need to have their level of risk totaling investigated.
The Finnish Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Form, developed in 2001, is an example of an active questionnaire that can be used as the basis for developing national questionnaires that admit into account local factors. It has eight scored questions, behind the quantity test score providing a piece of legislation of the probability of developing type 2 diabetes on top of the later 10 years. The reverse of the form contains brief advice subsequent to suggestion to what the respondent can operate to humiliate their risk of developing the sickness, and whether they should endeavor advice or have a clinical examination. The test takes lonely a couple of minutes to reach and can be over and ended along in the middle of online, in pharmacies or at various public disturbs activities.
IDF has developed a type 2 diabetes online diabetes risk assessment that aims to predict an individual’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes within the adjacent ten years. The test is based gone suggestion to speaking the subject of the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) developed and expected by Adj. Prof Jaana Lindstrom and Prof. Jaakko Tuomilehto from the National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland.


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